I always have abismal luck when it comes to keeping plants so I decided to draw my cactus before it died. I used oil pastels for this one (part of the reason why it looks so bad).
I need to do a drawing from nature every week for school and I decided to do a tulip a while ago. This tulip caused some problems because I couldn’t take a picture of it (because I was recording with my phone) and I also couldn’t pick (because my mother […]
And with color Black paper is a (relatively) new medium for me I haven’t used it much but I quite like it so far. If you happen to like mid tone paper I would highly suggest
The Lament of the Lost Pillowcase My pillow, oh poor pillow alas I weep for thee. I sleep upon thee heart and soul but wake at half past three In the dark the cold dark morn I wake and look at thee Oh my pillow my lovely pillow what treachery […]
I will be posting on week days, sometimes tutorials, sometimes drawings. This is one of my favorite drawings I’ve done. Also the first good animal I ever did.